“◄ 3860. paradidómi ►
paradidómi: to hand over, to give or deliver over, to betray
Original Word: παραδίδωμι
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: paradidómi
Phonetic Spelling: (par-ad-id’-o-mee)
Short Definition: I hand over, deliver, betray
Definition: I hand over, pledge, hand down, deliver, commit, commend, betray, abandon.”
(Strong’s Concordance)

….The same word in the Greek for ‘delivered over’ used by Christ to describe his betrayal in Mat 20:18 appears in Rom 1:28 with reference to God and His judicial prerogative.  In this context, God is ‘giving up’ a rebellious society to a debased or reprobate mind.  The original language denotes a dramatic shift in the fate of an individual as they are apprehended and turned over without recourse to adversarial forces intending to destroy them.

“For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature;
and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.  And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.”
(Rom 1:26-28)

The issue that faces us today involving the civil sanction of homosexual relationships and the attending cultural pressure for normalizing this behavior is a pressure point for the church.  The Word of God is clear on this topic. Capitulation on this ethical norm is identified in Romans as a point of apostate no return.  Waffling uncertainty and redefinition of sin in sexual categories of the created order is a harbinger of systematic and disabling spiritual depravity.  

Is it just a matter of interpretation? Funny how the Bible is up for skeptical review in our humanistic pride.  No one I have read has challenged the interpretation of the Supreme Court’s ruling on this matter.  We seem to take the SCOTUS ruling as it stands with little question as to its perspicuity.  However many professing Christians doubt the interpretation of God’s laws on this topic!  God’s law is muddled and ambiguous while man’s law is authoritative, binding, and clear?!  Let it never be said among those who call Christ ‘Kurios’/Lord, surely this is hypocrisy soaring to the heights of man’s original sin.  

Matthew 20:31 goes on to provide a potent illustration of faithfulness to Christ in matters such as this.  
“…The crowd rebuked them, telling them to be silent, but they cried out all the more, “Lord, have mercy on us, Son of David!””

There is an application point to be drawn from this section related to following Christ when the majority of even professed Christians condemns you.  There are times when believers are called to pursue Christ even when the great majority of the self identifying Christian community rebukes them with loud cries of “silence!”.  The so called ‘gay marriage’ issue is fast becoming a flash point of condemnation for the Biblically faithful Christian. To stand with Christ on this issue is akin to setting our course for Jerusalem knowing that the tribunal will condemn us by… allegations of hate speech, charges of discrimination, decrying us as judgmental, spurning us as backward, regressive, an enemy of history, and perhaps far worse… Are you willing to drink the cup of your suffering Lord? (Mat 20:22)

-Ken Carlton
