Notes on Baptism from a Reformed Perspective (Extra Reading for “Rite of Naturalization” sermon)

Posted by on Oct 19, 2014 in Further Study

Understanding the Sacraments: “The sacraments, of which there are two(baptism and the Lord’s Supper), “have been instituted by the Lord”, and are to be accompanied by the Holy Spirit(Inst. 4, 14, 9). This essay concurs with Calvin and J.I. Packer who also maintains that Jesus Christ instituted two rites for His followers to observe: baptism, a one time rite of initiation, and the Lord’s Supper, a regular rite of...

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Thomas Chalmers on Psalm 41 (extra reading for “Double Exposure” sermon )…

Posted by on Oct 13, 2014 in Further Study

“Blessed is he that considereth the poor. I call your attention to the way in which the Bible enjoins us to take up the care of the poor. It does not say in the text before us, Commiserate the poor; for, if it said no more than this, it would leave their necessities to be provided for by the random ebullitions of an impetuous and unreflecting sympathy. It provided them with a better security than the mere feeling of compassion—a feeling...

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Benson on the Significance of Psalm 110:1 (extra reading for “Ghostwriter of Hebrews” message)…

Posted by on Oct 6, 2014 in Further Study

“The Lord said unto my Lord — נאם יהוה לאדני, neum Jehovah ladoni, the saying, or decree, that is, I record the saying or decree of Jehohovah to my Lord, that is, to his Son the Messiah, whom I acknowledge as my Lord and God. This decree, made in eternity, was in due time published, and was actually executed when God raised up Christ from the dead, and brought him into his heavenly mansion. David designedly calls the Messiah his Lord, to...

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Albert Barnes on Matthew 15 (extra reading for “Mercy or Magic” sermon)

Posted by on Sep 28, 2014 in Further Study

We learn from this chapter: 1. That people are often far more attached to traditions and the commandments of human beings than to the Law of God, Matthew 15:1-6. 2. That people are strongly disposed to explain away the law of God, if possible. It is too strict for them, and too spiritual. They dare not often attack it directly, but they will explain it and dilute it so as to make it mean nothing. Wicked people do not love God’s law,...

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Matthew Henry on the Cannanite woman of Mat 15 (extra reading for “Gospel Blindside ” sermon)

Posted by on Sep 25, 2014 in Further Study

“The discouragement she met with in this address; in all the story of Christ’s ministry we do not meet with the like. He was wont to countenance and encourage all that came to him, and either to answer before they called, or to hear while they were yet speaking; but here was one otherwise treated: and what could be the reason of it? (1.) Some think that Christ showed himself backward to gratify this poor woman, because he would not...

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