Calvin Quotes – Book 1, Argument

Posted by on Feb 7, 2015 in Calvin Quotes

With regard to the former head—viz. the knowledge of God, it is shown, in the first place, what the kind of knowledge is which God requires. And, in the second place, where this knowledge must be sought, namely, not in man; because, although naturally implanted in the human mind, it is stifled, partly by ignorance, partly by evil intent, not in the frame of the world: because, although it shines most clearly there, we are so stupid that these...

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Calvin Quotes – Prefatory Address by John Calvin to Francis I, King of France 1536

Posted by on Feb 7, 2015 in Calvin Quotes

The characteristic of a true sovereign is, to acknowledge that, in the administration of his kingdom, he is a minister of God. He who does not make his reign subservient to the divine glory, acts the part not of a king, but a robber. He, moreover, deceives himself who anticipates long prosperity to any kingdom which is not ruled by the scepter of God, that is, by his divine word. For the heavenly Oracle is infallible which has declared, that...

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Please lift up Matthew, Leah, and Ellie in your prayers.

Posted by on Jan 31, 2015 in Prayer and Praise

Please lift up Matthew, Leah, and Ellie in your prayers. They leave for Rochester this week for extensive hip surgery for Leah. Total recovery time is estimated around three months and will involve crutches at first. Please pray for little Ellie during her few days away from Momma, and of course for the procedure to go miraculously well resulting in complete healing!

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Quote sources & D.A. Carson on Matthew 18:1-14 (extra reading for “Kingdom 101 & Children” sermon

Posted by on Jan 26, 2015 in Further Study

“Beyond Birth Control: The Population Control Agenda”. (Dr. Stan Monteith, M.D) Link: Expositor’s Commentary: “How patiently and tenderly their Master deals with them! No doubt the same thought was in His heart again: “O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you?” But He does not even express it now. He takes an...

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Praise The Lord for a good showing at March for Life!

Posted by on Jan 22, 2015 in Prayer and Praise

Praise The Lord for a good showing at March for Life of those who still stand for righteousness 41 years after Roe v. Wade.  Pray that the voice of the church joins more boldly and consistently with the voice of the blood of the 10’s of millions of little lives that cry from American ground. Rev 6:9-10 “When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the witness...

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