Joseph Mattera on the Kingdom of Heaven [God]

Posted by on Sep 30, 2013 in Further Study

“Jesus, John the Baptist, and the apostles went about proclaiming the kingdom–not the church (read Matthew 3:2, 4:17, 10:7; Acts 28:30-31). Although the church is in the kingdom, it is not the entire kingdom. “Kingdom” denotes the rule of God over the whole cosmos, not just a single entity on the earth, like the church. In spite of this, most preaching today has as its goal to get people to make a weekly two-hour commitment to come...

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Luther on Finding Lost Sheep

Posted by on Sep 18, 2013 in Further Study

“Now, the outward works of love are very great, as when we place our goods in the service of another. But the greatest is this, that I surrender my own righteousness and make it serve for the sins of my neighbor. For, outwardly to render service and help by means of one’s goods is love only in its outward aspect; but to render help and service through one’s righteousness, that is something great and pertains to the inward man....

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Bowes on Psalm 28 & Divine Justice

Posted by on Sep 9, 2013 in Further Study

“The Egyptians killed the Hebrew male children, and God smote the firstborn of Egypt. Sisera, who thought to destroy Israel with his iron chariots, was himself killed with an iron nail, stuck through his temples. Adonibezek, Jud 1:5-7. Gideon slew forty elders of Succoth, and his sons were murdered by Abimelech. Abimelech slew seventy sons of Gideon upon one stone, and his own head was broken by a piece of millstone thrown by a woman....

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Theology and Politics

Posted by on Aug 30, 2013 in Blog Posts

I’ve been reading two books in tandem with our men’s group study of “Law & Liberty” (Rushdoony).  The first is, “God & Politics” (four views on the reformation of civil government…Theonomy, Principled Pluralism, Christian America, & National Confessionalism) edited by Gary Scott Smith.  The second is a little (by word count) gem: “The Law” (the classic blueprint for a just...

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Matthew Henry on the Centurion (Mat 8:5-13)

Posted by on Aug 29, 2013 in Further Study

“The centurion’s faith in the power of Christ he here illustrates by the dominion he had, as a centurion, over his soldiers, as a master over his servants; he says to one, Go, and he goes, etc. They were all at his beck and command, so as that he could by them execute things at a distance; his word was a law to them–dictum factum; well-disciplined soldiers know that the commands of their officers are not to be disputed, but...

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