April 10, 2022


Passage: Psalm 119:49-56

The 7th Hebrew letter and the 7th stanza of the great acrostic song in the psalter declares to the reader that the word of God is sufficient for the test of insolent and derisive law breakers. While the author of this text remains a mystery to us, it is easy to imagine these words inspired by the trials of David during flight from Saul. Psalms 59 and 60 were written under such circumstances and strike a similar tone. The righteous man must sometimes lament in faith, reminding himself that the afflictions he suffers are temporary while the Law of his God, and the power of his God is ultimately superior. The Psalmist's plight was often shared by the prophets as well. The messenger of God's Word to an arrogant and wicked people spoke the truth risking his own life at times. Jeremiah could certainly relate to the Psalmist as he sank into the mud in the cistern of Malachiah, the king's son (Jer 38:6). Oftentimes the prophets spoke words that made far more enemies than converts. The cost of truth is much more expensive in an age of lies. What of our day? If the calling to take up our cross and follow Jesus is lonely and dangerous, can we be assured it is not in vain and God will give us the courage and equipment to remain faithful? Ps 119 answers this question by expanding its glorious theme in stanza 7. The Word of God is indeed sufficient for the trial of hostile law breakers. The psalmist records a growing testimony of endurance in the Zayin section. A 3rd of the way through this great song he continues to find refuge, comfort, blessings, and themes for worship in the word, promise, laws, rules, statues, and precepts of his Lord & Savior.

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