March 23, 2025

WISDOM & GENESIS – Proverbs 8:22-36 – 3-23-25

Passage: Proverbs 8:22-36

To demonstrate the scope of wisdom's potential. "Lady Wisdom" appeals to creation itself as the evident and super-abundant fruit of wisdom applied. Furtherrnore she appeals to her relationship to Yahweh to illustrate the indispensable necessity ofwisdon1 for any successful endeavor. lfwisdo1n is intrinsic to the works of God Hi1nself, ould anyone, save a fool, distance hitnself fro1T1h er in his own endeavors? With .visdo,n as his right hand, the Lord Hi1nself established all n1aterial reality. More funda,nental than the molecular structure of elen1ents,m ore basic than the ato,n as a building block of 1T1atterth, e Lord, by wisdom, establishedt he heavensa nd 1narkedo ut the foundations' of the earth. The re,nainder of the chapter is organized by the tin1e references 'before', vhen', and 'now' endorsing "Lady Wisdom" s: prerequisite, companion, and counselor