January 17, 2021

WHEN GOD ROARS – Amos 2:6-11

Passage: Amos 2:6-11

Amos was a shepherd, a herdsman, and a dresser of sycamore figs (7:14) before God called him to prophesy to the nation of Israel. Amos was an unlikely vessel to bring the oracles of God's judgement to a sinful people, however, this wasn't the first, and wouldn't be the last time when God would raise up a shepherd to proclaim His glories in an era where the seats of power and influence were thoroughly corrupt. Amos prophesied during a lull in international hostilities between the Northern and Southern kingdoms and their neighbors. This illusion of peace would prove to be the calm before God's storm of judgement however. Israel would soon fall to the Assyrians in less than a century (722 B.C.) and Judah would not be far behind collapsing under Babylon in 586 B.C. just as the prophet had warned. The words of Amos sound nothing like those of a herdsman. His oracles were the deafening sound of the Lion of Judah roaring wrath upon the systemic sins of an apostate people. (1-2) “The Lord roars from Zion..” (3:8) “The Lion has roared, who will not fear?...” The book of Amos is a roar from Yahweh Himself through His servant/vessel. The word of the Lord through the prophet calls the people's attention to who is really speaking saying: (4:12b-13) “Prepare to meet your God, o Israel!...”. His words ring true for the plight of nations yet today, even our own.... May we have ears to hear the Lion's roar!

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