June 5, 2016

What’s New – Hebrews 8:7-13

Passage: Hebrews 8:7-13
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Hebrews 1:1 signals a milestone reached in special revelation – a superlative threshold has been crossed eclipsing the former administration/era/order. The direction and movement of redemptive history has been from “the prophets” to “His Son”. From mere human messengers to Jesus Christ... The Word become flesh. He is the heir of all things and singlehandedly responsible for the creative power behind all the universe. It is therefore fitting that the author of Hebrews quote passages from the old covenant prophets and demonstrate how they foreshadow and predict the greater glory of Christ. Jeremiah is the featured prophet in Chapter 8 and the significance of his words are shown to rest entirely on the New Covenant ratified and mediated by Jesus Christ – the federal/representative head of the covenant of Grace...

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