January 14, 2018

Unseen Footprints – Psalm 77

Passage: Psalm 77
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The authors of scripture were no strangers to mental anguish. Depression is not a condition only recently identified and addressed by modern medicine. Asaph prescribes “medicine” for the distraught heart even as he offers a testimonial to its effects. It is not my intent to address the potential dangers or benefits of alternate means of treating mental health issues in this message though these realities in our day are evidence enough of the usefulness of Psalm 77 (not to mention many other great hymns of the psalter). I have received more than one phone call lately from individuals who have sought such relief whose symptoms are remarkably similar to the author's candid confession in our text today These anecdotes are a reminder of the sufficiency of scripture. The Word of God speaks to every pertinent realm of our existence and does so with unparalleled efficacy. Let us listen intently as if Asaph were our Holy Spirit inspired counselor... Perhaps we will realize the value of his song in the dark night of our own soul...

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