November 17, 2019

Two Roads Diverged – Genesis 13:1-11

Passage: Genesis 13:1-11
Service Type:

The title for today's message is borrowed from a line in the Robert Frost poem: “The Road Not Taken”. Frost muses in retrospect how the course of one's life can often present tow options and the eventual consequences are realized along the way which may have been obscured at the time of choosing. Such is the situation in the diverging paths of Abram and his nephew Lot in Genesis 13. This seemingly insignificant negotiation of where to graze one's numerous flocks has ripple effects for generations as the biography of the patriarch's history in the land unfolds. For Abram, the incident serves to illustrate Godly character and faithfulness based on his confidence in the promises of God having returned to calling on His name. For Lot, however, this moment marks a parting of ways which will probe to be a path of severe discipline. The parenthetical narrator's note in verse 10 foreshadows judgement on the horizon for the inhabitants of Lot's new home town, as Moses reminds the reader “This was before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.” The scenario provides a telling contrast documenting the fruit of these decisions through the next few chapters o0f Genesis. Calvin writes of Lot's decision in particular: “...even as he thought he was living in heaven, he had already sunk almost into hell.” Yet despite Lot's misplaced affections which take their eventual tole on his livelihood, his homeland, his lineage, his dignity, and his relationship to Abram, he is mercifully spared ultimate judgement as Peter declare of him that he was eventually rescued as a righteous man greatly distressed by the conduct of the wicked around him (II Pet 2:7). Themes featured in our text today will be expounded further as the record continues...

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