March 6, 2016

True Tent – Hebrews 8:1-7

Passage: Hebrews 8:1-7
Service Type:

The idea of heaven is wildly popular these days. Our passage in Hebrews will enable us to discern whether various and delightful imaginations of the day dreamers in our time tend to be Biblically accurate or not. Even in the Christian community, the associations we have with eternal bliss may often prove self-absorbed, superficial, and distorted when we compare them to the heavens described in Hebrews. We may be only imagining our happiest moments in life times a million, throwing in some angels, scenery, and some hanging out with the Jesus we saw in Hollywood's latest effort to pander to faith based media consumers. At first glance these vivvid pictures and testimonies from near death experiences may seem harmless enough, even faith building – but let us be careful to note that Hebrews teaches us, with the full counsel of scripture, that the eternal state of the redeemed and fully manifest reconciliation with a Holy God is a theologically rich and precise reality.... and there is nothing valuable in a counterfeit. Consummate redemptive history is realized in the TRUE TENT: the heavens according to Holy Scripture.

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