June 16, 2019

Threshold Moment – Genesis 8:6-22

Passage: Genesis 8:6-22
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As the title of this message indicates, a momentous occasion is recognized in the text at this point. Noah is standing on the doorstep of a new world. We recognize something similar in our culture related to marriage. It is has been customary for a husband to carry his bride over the threshold of their new home together. This action indicates the formation of a new family, a joint purpose and calling, future children as God is gracious, and a new life together as one flesh. The house has become a home. So it is with Noah and his family at this time in a far more dramatic context. The meek Noah has inherited the whole earth as he crosses the threshold of the ark into the new post-flood world. As an 'event oracle', it should not be surprising that the text contains enduring imagery and themes which will resurface at future 'threshold moments' in redemptive history. As an archetypal story, Noah's experience serves to model the grace of God and the plight of man through times marked by both mercy and judgment...

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