April 16, 2017

This Temple – Matthew 27:36-44

Passage: Matthew 27:36-44
Service Type:

Last sermon we noted the structure of Psalm 68 indicating its connection to the Ark of the Covenant. Verse one is a citation of Moses' commencement prayer from Numbers 10:35. Verse 17 indicates the destination of the ark procession declaring: “Sinai is now in the sanctuary”. Verse 18 then signals a shift to an 'ark' to come... David prophecies: “You ascended on high, leading a host of captives in your train and receiving gifts among men...”. Paul identifies this statement with the ascended Christ and His preceding incarnational work in Ephesians 4:8. Thus we see the parallel in redemptive history. Jesus as the ark of the New Covenant. The life and teaching of Jesus recorded in the gospels highlight such typological themes in many ways ranging from the subtle to the explicit... Let us trace one of them that builds to a stunning crescendo from Christ's teaching, through the cross, unto resurrection. Consider Jesus as the temple...

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