September 16, 2018

Theme Seeds – Genesis 2:10-17

Passage: Genesis 2:10-17
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Chapter 2 of Genesis continues to lay out the blueprint for the architecture of reality. Concepts absolutely foundational to the relationship of the Creator to His creatures are presented in condensed form. These 'theme seeds' planted in Genesis unfold throughout the record of scripture as special revelation expands and expounds these integral structures of our understanding gradually through the record. Recognizing this dynamic is key to appreciating the opening pages of Genesis. Small packages of information/divine knowledge could easily be overlooked or dismissed as trivial if considered apart from the whole, however, consulting the rest of scripture, we discover the details of Genesis are profound indeed! Many of these theme seeds do not enjoy their full flowering until John's revelation at the opposite bookend of the canon. We will consider 3 seeds planted in the early pages of the Bible in light of their flowering through the greater text today. With this application of 'Biblical theology', let us pray our grasp of the symbology and significance of the creation account will be reinforced.

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