The Skeletal Structure of Psalm 44
January 11, 2015

The Skeletal Structure of Psalm 44

Passage: Psalm 44
Service Type:

It is often the case in remote corners of scripture such as Ps 44, that our blurry modern eyes need to be rubbed by the Holy Spirit’s transcendent power to illumine. Prayer, meditation, and careful study in context of wider revelation are normative means to open our understanding to the otherwise obscure. Ps 44 may seem shrouded in caustic tenor and self-incriminating candor at first glance, but some diligent digging will reveal priceless and timeless treasures for tortured souls of every age. The historical context and authorship may remain somewhat ambiguous, but in light of further New Covenant revelation, its prophetic context becomes strikingly clear. Ambrose insightfully noted of this Psalm that former chapters in the Psalter have prophesied Christ's passion, resurrection, and ascension... it is only fitting, therefore, that Ps 44 should anticipate the church’s call to suffer under persecution and embrace all witnessing opportunities, even martyrdom. This message considers the framework of Ps 44. A second sermon will consider the martyr's estate more specifically.

(*Note of correction: it was Lenin who said: "There are no morals in politics; there is only expedience.")

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