July 28, 2019

The Second Adam? – Genesis 9:18-29

Passage: Genesis 9:18-29
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The legacy of Adam is revisited in many ways in the account of Noah. As Noah's final days are documented in Genesis 9, the similarities are only magnified. This reality introduces a somber tone in the post-flood narrative. No sooner has man inhabited the renewed earth than the corruption of his nature rears its ugly head once again. Noah and Adam share many parallel aspects... They both tend a new world garden, both have received a cultural mandate/vocational call to stewardship, Both have encountered the Word of God in covenantal context, both share a federal headship role... yet sadly both fall into sin through consumption (food and drink), both are exposed in their nakedness, both witness antithesis in their posterity, both receive a covering, Cainites and Canaanites are cursed, Seth and Shem are elect line children. These similarities are telling as the reader considers the messianic question: “Will this new Adam figure prove faithful to the covenant where the first Adam failed?” All mankind shares this Noahic heritage and as such, the legacy established in these moments of earth history are telling markers for the future of all humanity... What happens next will signal a trajectory for mankind's future...

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