October 1, 2023

THE NATURE OF GOD  –  Jude 24-25    –   10-1-23

Passage: Jude 24-25

Jude's letter provides a model for Godly worship in the form of confession, song, prayer, and proclamation in his final words. Verse 24-25 of his epistle contain one of the most beloved doxologies of the church. Though brief in its expression, this salutation of praise draws deeply from the wells of scriptural revelation for its inspiration. Jude is moved to magnify the Lord on account of 1.) The fullness of salvation (Last sermon from this text) 2.) The nature of God (our message today) and 3.) Attributions worthy of God (our final message and epistle overview to come). Today we seek to appreciate the rich implications of God's self disclosure especially as they relate to the work of redemption. Certainly Jude would be greatly encouraged to hear that the recipients of his letter found this doxology struck a chord in their own hearts. A church who appreciates the fullness of salvation and the holiness of God will be well equipped to discern and oppose anything or anyone who would seek to diminish or deny the glory, majesty, dominion, and authority of the only true God condescending to us in Jesus Christ and His gospel.