November 30, 2014

The Momentous Transfiguration – Mat 17:1-13

Passage: Mat 17:1-13
Service Type:

If a picture was ever worth infinite words... it would certainly be the snapshot of this moment in Christ’s earthly ministry. The significance of the Mount of Transfiguration event can only be understated by any post-canonical commentary. It seems this paramount scene of heavenly majesty was burned into the consciousness of the author of Hebrews as he exalts the Godhead in His matchless prologue (Heb 1:1-4) John as well, quite probably has this moment indelibly in mind as he opens his gospel with ethereal resplendence. At the mount of transfiguration, the unveiled magnificence of incarnational realities are glimpsed by a privileged few. May our own eyes be opened by the Spirit's illuminating grace through the Holy Word of God. The symbolic power of this occasion is weighty, staggering, and prophetic. May the paradigm-shattering effects of this account in the gospel move His disciples today as they did the hearts and minds of the first wave of commissioned elect.

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