The Last Word – Psalm 58
June 12, 2016

The Last Word – Psalm 58

Passage: Psalm 58
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In Psalm 58 we have a classic text illustrating the faith of the believer with respect to the future of this world. Psalms like this give us insight as to David's eschatology. It was convictions firmly rooted in the cosmic and condescending sovereignty of God that kept David from retreating into the cave of apostasy as he wrote his prayerful songs of anguish in nooks and crannies all over the country side evading wicked, lawless, bloodthirsty magistrates and tyrants. This 'do not destroy' Psalm no doubt captures one of these moments delivering lessons David teaches us from the crucible of persecution. Spurgeon writes of this song: “All men shall be forced by the sight of the final judgment to see that there is God, and that He is the righteous ruler of the universe. Two things will come out clearly after all – there is a God and there is a reward for the righteous, time will remove doubts, solve difficulties, and reveal secrets; meanwhile faith's foreseeing eye discerns the truth even now, and is glad thereat.”

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