April 21, 2019

The Gospel of Lazarus – John 11:4-44

Passage: John 11:4-44
Service Type:

The revelatory and significant miracles of Jesus have reached a crescendo in John's gospel in chapter 11. The resurrection of Lazarus has been preceded by... The wedding in Cana where water became wine (chap 2), The woman at the well encountering the prophet/Messiah (4), the remote healing of the officer's son whose fever fled at the 7th hour (4), the healing of the invalid crippled some 38 years at the Pool of Bethesda (5), the feeding of the 5000 (6), Walking on water (6), the healing of the man born blind (9)... and now Jesus Christ, the incarnate savior, the Word made flesh, stands before the tomb of His beloved Lazarus with the mourners gathered around in chapter 11. Lazarus was survived by his sisters Mary and Martha who were stricken with grief and crying out to Christ who is deeply moved, even as the enemies of Christ have grown more and more irate as His ministry continues to threaten their monopoly on power. This signal miracle leading up to the cross is saturated with meaning. Let him who has ears to hear listen to the gospel of Lazarus...

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