August 23, 2015

The Fig in Figurative – Mat 21:18-22

Passage: Mat 21:18-22
Service Type:

A closer look at the contextual significance of this event in the gospels provides striking emphasis for prophetic, messianic, and gospel themes! An imagery study of 'fig tree' in scripture reminds us of the proprietary literary devices of scripture. There is a resplendent uniqueness in every aspect of special revelation right down to its metaphors. For those so nearsighted, they are blind (II Peter 1:9) all that interests them in these synoptic accounts are presumed contradictions. (Mark's account is different in his recordation methodology) to this point Barnes reminds us: “ Such circumstantial variations, where there is no positive contradiction, go greatly to confirm the truth of a narrative. They show that the writers were honest men, and did not conspire to deceive the world.” There is not enough time in one sermon for what OUGHT to interest us in this text... Let us consider its greater significance starting with reading glasses and then moving to a panoramic view through the wide angle lens of redemptive history.

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