May 6, 2018

The Eternal Covenant – Hebrews 13:17-25

Passage: Hebrews 13:17-25
Service Type:

A fitting conclusion to a paradigm expounding expert treatise on the glories of the gospel of Jesus Christ comes to us by way of benediction in Hebrews 13. This concluding prayer of blessing summarizes and proclaims central themes throughout the letter/sermon. This pattern is not uncommon in divine revelation. Compare the closing words of Hebrew's author with those of Paul in Romans 16:25-27. The similarity to Heb 13:20-21 is striking. There are also examples of succinct and powerful gospel summaries earlier in the text of Hebrews as well. Consider a slightly expanded example in 10:19-25. Here again we see the cause and effect relationship between the work of Jesus Christ and the life of the believer. What better subject for a prayer of blessing and farewell than the full scope of the sovereign work of our Lord in His incarnate ministry to ransom and equip His bride for kingdom conquest and king worship. Here at Providence, some years ago, we adapted a mission statement for our church from these rich benedictions: “Providence exists to know the Word, witness its power, worship its author, and walk in its ways, through and for Jesus Christ.

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