April 9, 2023


Passage: Acts 3:11-26

Verses 1-11 of Acts chapter 3 mark the occasion and context of Peter's 2nd sermon in the record of the early church. Elicott writes in his commentary regarding the setting: “The approaches of the temple, like those of modern mosques, were commonly thronged with the blind, lame, and other mendicants (beggars). The practice was common at Constantinople in the time of Chrysostom and has prevailed largely throughout Christendom.” Luke's account sets the stage for the 2nd resurrection sermon with the healing of a lame man who had been begging at the temple gate 'Beautiful'. This miracle performed by Peter and John signaled the presence of the Holy Spirit upon His church, the authority delegated to Jesus' apostles, and the reality of divine resurrection power further testifying to the glory and name of Jesus Christ. Peter's directives in healing the man evoke resurrection parallels (verse 6) “Rise up and walk!” He commands. Thus we read of the first specifically documented apostolic miracle which would prove be one of many (2:43). In this act, Peter and John introduce themselves as witnesses to the resurrection, the great commission, the ascension, and Pentecost. Hence the dramatic change in Peter and company from Christ denying fear, to civil authority defying boldness. This narrative illustrates the difference the resurrection makes in the soul when the Spirit awakens us to its reality and implications! The church itself exists in essence and authority by virtue of the resurrection of her Lord and savior Jesus Christ!