April 17, 2022


Passage: Acts 2:22-38

Filled with the Holy Spirit, Peter's Pentecost sermon proclaims Jesus incarnate, crucified, resurrected, and ascended. Peter's message was preceded by Jesus' own self disclosure and covenant revelation in Luke 24:13-35. On this occasion between His resurrection and ascension, Jesus explained, “beginning with Moses and all the prophets, the interpretation of all the scriptures concerning Himself”. Many have wondered and speculated what the content of Jesus' words on the road to Emmaus might have been. “Oh to have been a fellow traveler eavesdropping on the greatest Bible study of all time!” they might exclaim. I submit to you that we can virtually listen in to Jesus' exposition of the scriptures as we read the sermons of Acts and the testimony of the apostles. The same Spirit of God certainly revealed through Peter to the crowds at Pentecost, truths Jesus had disclosed to those two traveling disciples – whoever they were. The inspiration for Peter's words in Acts 2 was the indwelling Holy Spirit who had just miraculously visited the early church as Jesus had promised. Peter's 1st resurrection sermon is a powerful example of Spirit filled preaching of Old and New Testament Gospel truth.

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