May 24, 2020

Supernatural Ratification – Genesis 15:7-21

Passage: Genesis 15:7-21
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Genesis 15 records the 2nd major installment of covenant documentation to Abraham and his lineage. Aspects of the Abrahamic covenant are successively revealed in the course of Genesis with 3 major reference points, Covenant initiated (Gen 12), Covenant ratified (15), and Covenant signified (17). The promises to Abram (soon to be Abraham) are symbolically rich as they represent gospel truths pictured through seed, land, nations, and in this passage, ratification ceremony. It was customary in the time of Abram to solemnize important and enduring arrangements between peoples, kings, families, and the like, by vow and ritual. The purpose of these events was to communicate with mutual understanding, the seriousness of a covenant arrangement. AS traditional marriage ceremony, yet today, retains something of this idea as vows are exchanged for life-long commitment in the presence of witnesses. Archeological records and cross references in scripture itself help to illuminate the striking account in Genesis 15 where God Himself condescends to Abram in a covenant cutting ceremony. Our passage today establishes the pattern of covenant reflected in Nehemiah's day. We have noted in Neh 10:29, following a covenant renewal ceremony, that the people “join with their brothers, their nobles, and enter into a curse and an oath to walk in God's law...”. We’ve further noted the intent of this bow is to invite God to be glorified in their destruction, if He is not glorified in their obedience. We can wrap our minds around this concept in the context of human affairs... but to think that God Himself would swear to His own destruction? This revelation of His covenant to His own is truly staggering...

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