July 4, 2021


Passage: 1 Peter

The letter of First Peter opens & closes with salutations appropriate for the encouragement of a body of believers facing trying times (1:2b) “...may grace and peace be multiplied to you” (5:14b) “...peace to all of you who are in Christ.” Other key features reinforce the apostle's purpose in writing. Perhaps the most succinct theme verse of the epistle is found in (4:19) “Therefore let those who suffer according to God's will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good.” This verse providers the imperative/command, the surrounding passages, while the surrounding passages are brimming with reasons we can trust our souls to our Creator. Even as Peter employs the analogy of exile and pilgrimage in addressing outposts of believers in a pagan culture, he continually refers to the absolute certainty gleaned from the word and work of God in salvation. (1:3-5) (18-21) Our imperishable inheritance, (1:23-25) The forever Word of God, (2:6-7) Jesus Christ our cornerstone, (3:21-22) The resurrection & ascension, (5:10-11) The personal and specific intentions of God for His church through suffering. This concluding certainty reference can serve as an outline for the entire book...

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