July 17, 2016

Stay Awake – Matthew 24:32-51

Passage: Matthew 24:32-51
Service Type:

The final structured discourse in Matthew is divided between a litany of specific catastrophic signs of judicial reckoning prophesied in condemnation of the temple and its representative apostasy, idolatry, and application points in preparation of these events. Today’s text marks a transition in Jesus' admonition and instruction to His disciples that begins to focus their attention on timing and application. Jesus answers the question: How then ought His disciples live in light of these soon arriving events? The answer is a heightened and consistent sense of historical and spiritual watchfulness. Though much of this chapter has certainly come to pass at the ransacking of Jerusalem in A.D. 70... This exhortation is presently relevant for us as His church today. We are to stay awake and serve Him consistently in our meantime anticipating His 2nd coming in final consummate glory. The shape of our text today which makes use of 3 or so analogies, could be summarized as... Illustrations to bolster believers with understanding, courage, faithfulness, patience, while portending final destruction and judgement for scoffers. This pattern is repeated in chapter 25 in the parable section. This pattern is broadly significant for history itself. Thank God for His equipping Word informing us who is sovereign, what to expect, and what to do.

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