September 6, 2015

Spiritual Shock Therapy – Hebrews 5:8-6:3

Passage: Hebrews 5:8-6:3
Service Type:

By way of illustration, consider two samples at a water treatment facility.
1st) The Holding Pond: Accepts all streams – available in large quantities – easily accessible – The longer it sits, the more stagnant, corrupted, and polluted it becomes – though it may look inviting and attractive on the surface.
2nd) Bottled Water: Smaller quantities – pressurized system – forced through fine, narrow and discriminating filters – multiple stage process – heat and intensity are necessary – costly and time consuming – carefully regulated – requires engineering and supervision – diligently and rigorously tested against high quality standards – produces valuable, healthy, and clear results – the final aim is purity.
…..Which is a better description of Christianity? Which is an easier idea of Christianity?
Test Question: Can you explain the high-priesthood of Jesus according to the order of Melchizedek?

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