October 21, 2018

Sound of the Lord God – Genesis 3:8-15

Passage: Genesis 3:8-15
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The advent of the fall of man from a state of innocence to a state of guilt is followed immediately by a reckoning. Man must answer to his creator for his stewardship of the realm (or lack there of). Man and wife dread this occasion and frantically seek refuge apart from the presence of God and quickly discover there is no such thing! What is man to do? He cannot stand in the presence of God and he cannot escape the day of the Lord... This catch 22 has motivated the self-justifying and obfuscating impulses of mankind ever since that fateful day of disobedience in Eden. Pitiful attempts in the heat of the moment to escape the attention of the Holy Lord God are futile in the extreme. This absurd reality does not prevent or suppress man's attempts to hide from God even today, however. In our strong delusion we are hell bent on denying and evading the inevitable, escapable consequences of sin. These vain attempts only add to the record of debt (Col 2:13-15) that stands against us. From the very beginning it is made clear that the only way this debt can be cancelled is when it is nailed to the cross. This hope would live on through the offspring of woman...

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