Song of Descent – Psalm 42
November 9, 2014

Song of Descent – Psalm 42

Passage: Psalm 42
Service Type:

Extenuating circumstances have prevented the author of Ps 42 from experiencing the consolation, blessing, and privilege of corporate worship (the gathered assembly) at the temple/tabernacle rendezvous of divine favor. Psalms 120-134 are categorized as 'Songs of Ascent' they are joyful odes celebrating the pilgrimage to the temple mount for periodic worship. Ps 42 could be labeled as a Psalm of descent as it mournfully exudes the emotions of being denied such an opportunity. It seems Ps 42 and 43 were originally one song. They contain the thrice repeated chorus: “...Why so cast down, O my soul,...” The poetic impact of Psalm 42 pulls the reader into a sea-going vessel with the author. We find ourselves bobbing in an ocean of tumultuous unrest. Disillusion, uncertainty, and anguish, like waves, toss us to and fro, back and forth, yet 3 times the vessel's rope snaps taut confirming we are tethered to the anchor: our God and our salvation (42:5,11, 43:5). We will explore in 2 sermons how the author dips his pen in 3 inkwells to illustrate his point.

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