Song for the Ages – Psalm 98 & parallels
December 15, 2019

Song for the Ages – Psalm 98 & parallels

Passage: Psalm 98
Service Type:

Psalm 98 contains 3 sections distinguished by theme and tense. Verses 1-3 mark occasions for praise and references to past tense examples of the marvelous things Yahweh the King has done. Verses 4-6 are a present tense call to praise with instrumentation and joyous song. The song closes in verses 7-9 extending the call to realms of praise across all creation and finally declares the future tense coming of earth's true judge who will rule with perfect righteousness and equity. The tense structure of Psalm 98 serves to illustrate the sovereignty of God over history and the activity of God in history. Its use of imagery with respect to time sets it apart as a worship anthem for the ages. It could just as easily be sung by king David as by a resurrected saint on the final day. As such, Psalm 98 features worship themes and instrumentation fitting for significant etas of redemptive -or- covenant history. Given the character of the Psalm, it is echoed throughout scripture on the lips of those who have witnessed and proclaimed the sovereign rule of our Lord from old covenant battle campaigns to the advent of Jesus' incarnation, to ascension unto the realms of glory...

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