June 21, 2015

Sequence of Events – Matthew 20:17-28

Passage: Matthew 20:17-28
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The road to regeneration goes through the cross and there are no exceptions, detours, or alternate routes of any kind, much to our carnal dismay. This chapter in Matthew's gospel leading up to Calvary employs the occasion of Christ's journey to Jerusalem to redirect our attention and affections. Lest His disciples be distracted by the perceived glory of judging from 12 thrones (Mt 19:28), Jesus utilizes the divinely orchestrated sequence of events at this time to emphasize truth for all time. Calvin comments on these passages by saying: β€œIs he not worse than stupid who amidst so many deaths, entertains himself at ease by drawing pictures of triumph?” β€œ...for as in battle, the greatest coward is the keenest to seize the booty, so in the Kingdom of Christ, none are more eager to obtain the superiority than those who shrink from all the annoyance which attends toil. Most properly, therefore, does Christ enjoin those who were puffed up with vain glory to keep by their post.”

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