March 29, 2015

Seeds of Triumph – John 12:12-16

Passage: John 12:12-16
Service Type:

The gospel of John records the triumphal entry alongside other events at the close of Jesus' public ministry. This chapter of the gospel narrative is condensed, yet saturated, with potent meaning. John 12:24 declares in Jesus' own words: “ Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” Next week (Resurrection Sunday) we will consider more specifically the “fruit” portion of this seed analogy. Today we will consider the 'grain of wheat' – or the picture/illustration of a seed with respect to the ministry and mission of Jesus. The concept of a seed is additionally helpful to understand the history of revealed truth throughout scripture, and its fulfillment over the ages. We will also consider what is present in seed form around this text in John 12 that underscores the significance of Palm Sunday's memory – the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ to Jerusalem just before Passover and just before Calvary.

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