May 18, 2014

Secrets of the Kingdom – Matthew 13:10-17

Passage: Matthew 13:10-17
Service Type:

The third discourse of Matthew unfolds in 7 parables. Setting the stage for the theological significance of this method of Christ's teaching, as well as the intrinsic truths contained in the parables, is an insert of explanatory purposes standing between the parable of the sower and its interpretation to the disciples (10-17). The JFB commentary notes: “ To the parables of our Lord, there is nothing in all language to be compared, for simplicity, grace, fulness, and variety of spiritual teaching. They are adapted to all classes and stages of advancement, being understood by each according go his spiritual capacity.” Sproul says: “Most of Jesus' parables are clear, but they also contain a depth of meaning that only one with a right relationship to Jesus can comprehend.”

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