Repentance in High Def – Psalm 51
August 9, 2015

Repentance in High Def – Psalm 51

Passage: Psalm 51
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Psalm 51 is the 'locus classicus' (classic example text) of repentance. The song is 4th in a series of 7 penitent (confession) songs (Ps 6,32,38,51,102,130,143). David's soul has been awakened to his actions of late which horrifically exemplify deceit, murder, adultery, betrayal, tyranny, malice, conspiracy, stealing, covetousness, dishonoring parents (Ex 20). This context is clear from the Psalm's title alone. Only in the God breathed nature of scripture can we explain how the author so distraught and compromised could pen an absolutely stunning, cutting, and clear poetic treatise on the gospel under these conditions. We are listening to the songwriting of the Holy Spirit in unparalleled clarity and depth. May we have ears to hear and conviction to echo this confession.

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