January 24, 2021

REMEMBER LOT’S WIFE – Matthew 11:20-24

Passage: Matthew 11:20-24

Genesis 19:24-25 records in just three sentences, the destructive judgements of God executed upon the wicked societies of Sodom and Gomorrah. Nevertheless, this moment is referenced time and again through all of scripture as a forewarning. Sodom presents a cautionary tale for all history. One of its great contributions is to set forth by significant historical event, a dire warning for future generations and civilizations. Jesus Himself says as much on several occasions. Do we remember Lot's wife (Luke 17:32)?. What does she and her cursed city have to teach us? Gen 19 serves to illustrate, by way of spectacular example, the consequences of sin, the mercy of God, and the power of redemption. As we consider the context of the various references to Sodom throughout the Bible, we can better appreciate the power and intent of the Gen 19 account. Today's sermon is an attempt to summarize the message of Sodom by drawing insight from further references through scripture...

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