July 25, 2021

PROVIDENCE VS. DYSFUNCTION – Genesis 26:34-27:25

Passage: Genesis 26:34-27:25

In Genesis 26, the trajectory of events begins with turmoil that eventually gives way to gracious provision and covenant reassurance. These themes are marked by the naming of wells – Esek: (quarreling), Sitnah (hostility), Rehoboth (broad places), and Shibah (oath). These themes of Isaac's experience in Gerar are now playing themselves out in his family. The generational aspects of covenant succession are in view as we witness “esek” and “sitnah” in the home. In chapter 26, verses 34 & 35 signal a shift in the record from the account of Isaac's influence in the land to a behind the scenes look at his family. In our text today, there is no hero to root for save the providence of God. It is the sovereign hand of Yahweh, the true covenant keeper, that holds the promises of redemption together in spite of the efforts of four individuals threatening to upset the entire plan as each pursues his own self interests. The Apostle Paul reveals the purpose of these texts in Romans 9:8-13 when he writes: “...it is not the children of the flesh who are the children of God, but the children of the promise are counted as offspring...” Later he continues explaining why these events played out as they did: “...in order that God's purpose of election might continue not because of works, but because of Him who calls...”. Do any in Isaac's family validate themselves in this story? Certainly not. What we glean from Genesis 27 is salvation is by grace through faith alone. It becomes all the more clear, there is surely no one deserving & no one who could secure his salvation apart from Christ alone...

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