Proper Thanksgiving – Psalm 75
It seems fitting to consider passages of scripture like Palm 75 this time of year as the Thanksgiving holiday is approaching. The purpose for Asaph's worship song is the giving of thanks to the Lord for His wondrous deeds. This song would serve well on the lips and in the hearts of the faithful as they considered an altar to the Lord's delivering power or perhaps at the memorial feast of Passover, indeed at the temple itself where typological reminders of the nearness of God's name and His wondrous deeds of salvation were to capture their attention. Psalm 75 also serves as a course correction for wayward affections. It is only natural that we would be most thankful for those things we long for the most and are most motivated to pursue. Asaph reminds us, as the covenant people of God, that a thankfulness differed is the mark of a distracted heart. What would be an appropriate song of thanksgiving considering the wondrous deeds of the Lord through history? Psalm 75. May we appreciate this chapter to the fullest according to its Spirit inspired design.