Chapter 2 of Hebrews is a snap of the fingers in the face of the spiritually glazed eyes of a church in imminent danger. Calling their attention to what they…
Luminescence: light created by virtue of that contained within the object itself. Ps 36:9 “for with You is the fountain of life, in Your light do we see light.” The…
Matthew's gospel closes with the command and commission to go make disciples of all nations, to baptize, and to teach them. Christ grounds this injunction with contextual weight by proclaiming…
Psalm 41 is a fitting song to follow Plasm 40. The preceding psalm's last verse “ for me, I am poor and needy...” presents an appropriate introduction for the next…
Although the author of Hebrews remains anonymous to the modern reader, its “ghostwriter” does not. The Holy Spirit's signature is all over this magnum opus. There is also the stunning…
Throughout the narrative in Mat 15 into 16, we can read between the lines of chronicle and observe the situational sovereignty in four details in this record. First, there is…
Both today and in Christ's day, the Gospel truth, when rightly divided and declared, tends to hit the hearer suddenly and devastatingly, startling them as they are looking the other…
David's writing gloriously and miraculously transcends his experience as we listen to the epic themes of redemption soaring above temporal constraints in music composed first in heaven and echoed through…
In anticipation of our tendency with modern ears, to distinguish ourselves self-righteously from the first century Pharisee... let us pray for ears to hear. Consider the difference in audience reaction…
In the providence of God documented in the Gospels, it is not just the progressive, positive affirmation of Christ's followers that provides clarity for the reader – but also the…