The fundamental error most prevalently on display among the religious of Jesus' day was hypocrisy. The most accurate description of the sin of hypocrisy in context is given in the…
Mat 23:1-12 serves as a prologue to arguably the most scathing, thorough, and direct message of condemnation in all of the gospels. The preaching of the Kingdom of God would…
Minted coins in the United States contain the phrase: “In God we trust” emblazoned next to images of important historical figures. This phrase has Biblical content and this sermon could…
Our text today draws distinctions between the old order of the Levitical priesthood and the new order of Christ's High Priesthood. The superiority of Christ is reinforced as the general…
The original question brought to Jesus in Mat 21 with respect to His authority triggers an exchange running all the way through chapter 22. The question asked by the chief…
The Webster's definition of 'jujitsu' is: “An art of weaponless fighting employing holds, throws, and paralyzing blows to subdue or disable an opponent.” I cannot imagine a better description of…
Psalm 55 is a three part song, sung three times daily, encapsulating three indispensable elements of prayer in crisis. Spurgeon in expounding the theme of Psalm 55 as a warrior's…
The theological significance of Melchizedek's unique priesthood has been anticipated in the context prior to this section of Hebrews. The specific Psalm 110 reference is first mentioned in 5:6 followed…
The historical context and background of the book of Titus serves to provide a timeless application of ecclesiastical instruction for the church universal. Titus was a gentile convert. A first…
The third adversarial cross-examination attempt by the ideological enemies of Christ is recorded in Matthew 22. The power of Jesus' response cannot be fully appreciated without some background which we…