The poetic context of Psalm 128 parallels passages from the prophets. Two examples might be Micah 4 and Zechariah 8. Our song today is a personalized confession and invocation of…
Similar to a medical diagnosis of a hospitalized patient, Paul's synopsis of the church at Corinth includes a description of their condition as well as an explanation of how a…
If Biblical wisdom can be defined as the communicable attribute of God equipping his people with skills for the art of godly living, then the book of Proverbs reveals this…
I Kings 3:9-12 documents Solomon’s famous request from God for wisdom to rule the kingdom of Israel after the death of his father David. Recognizing the weight of his calling:…
Solomon proclaims in Psalm 127 that ascending in any area of life is conditional upon “vigilant providence” (Elicotts commentary). That is the providence of God, not as a set of…
Our recent resurrection themed sermon began with Ezekiel's vision of dry bones. Here in chapter 37:9-10, it was the breath of God picturing the power and means of His Holy…
Building on our theme from “Palm Sunday”, today we consider milestones marking the covenant history of the hope of life after death. Just as the message of Jesus' triumphal entry…
My thesis today is 2-fold: FIRST: the message of Palm Sunday is magnified upon the realization of a prophetic pattern in scripture & SECOND: Palm Sunday signals the great hero…
The book of Genesis is separated by two major historical context divisions. The 1st includes chapters 1-11 involving the state of all the world before and after both the fall…
Psalm 126 features a hope of ascent sufficient to endure trials of destitution and exile. This is a song fitting for the covenantal terms prophetically revealed by Moses in Dt…