The significance of these moments in our text today have been universally affirmed by the Christian church through the ages as generations have confessed that Christ “...suffered under Pontius Pilate...”…
In Numbers 6:24-26, the Lord instructs Moses to equip the high priest Aaron and his sons with words of blessing and benediction for the people of God. “The Lord bless…
The contextually powerful lineup of great faith illuminating examples given to us in Hebrews 11 is especially appreciated as one considers the events recorded in Genesis 10 and 11 between…
The claims of Christ were in conflict with the claims of the leaders of His day, particularly and especially the chief priests and elders of the people who took counsel…
Psalm 66 is a striking example of the grand and glorious expectations of the Psalms. While Gospel mechanics understood at this time were relegated to type and shadow withing national…
After thoroughly emphasizing the great dangers of falling away from one's professed faith, the author of Hebrews now turns his attention to explaining and illustrating faith itself. This lengthy and…
The book of Titus contains a recurring theme that could perhaps be summarized by reworking a too common Christian cliché. Instead of: “ Christianity is a relationship, not a religion”,…
As we noticed in the context of Peter's denial of Christ, the dichotomies between the lines throughout the betrayal, trial, arrest, and execution of Christ are striking. (27:1) When morning…
Luke's gospel provides supernatural 'behind the scenes' perspective on these moments featured in all four gospels. As to the denial of Peter – we learn that this event had been…
A casebook contains a collection of records illustrating specific instances used for reference and instruction normally in fields of study such as medicine or law. In this sense Psalm 65…