It seems fitting to consider passages of scripture like Palm 75 this time of year as the Thanksgiving holiday is approaching. The purpose for Asaph's worship song is the giving…
The author of Hebrews extends his race analogy building upon his descriptive metaphor with scriptural references reinforcing the concept. He employs witnesses from Old Testament history to emphasize the sobering…
Two days shy of 500 years ago, an unassuming document to the average passing eye was tacked to the door of a castle church in Germany by one oblivious, would-be…
Jonah unequivocally confessed upon his own deliverance from well deserved calamity: “Salvation belongs to the Lord!” (2:9). This phrase serves will as a theme for his entire book. In an…
Jonah's message to Nineveh is not exactly an ideal example of a well balanced gospel presentation we might hold up as a model for seminary students. The ideal mix of…
Imagine driving home from a family outing one day only to return to a pile of smoldering ashes with an occasional metal object standing here and there like charred witnesses…
In light of his race analogy opening chapter 12, it seems appropriate that the author of Hebrews would extend his athletic metaphor to illustrate rigorous, behind the scenes training required…
Our title today reflects the prominence of the Word of God in this section of our text, not to mention the entire account of Jonah. The Word of God comes…
The apostle Paul takes the time to unveil the significance of our salvation pictured and proclaimed in baptism for several reasons. He knows these truths will equip them to walk…
Similar themes to this psalm are featured in other Old Testament passages, Psalm 37, 49 and the book of Job among them. The author wrestles with the perennial question: “How…