Genesis 12:1-9 signals a watershed moment so significant in world history that the remaining context of the entire Bible is dedicated to the record of fulfillment and implications of God's…
The significance of this moment in covenant/redemptive history cannot be overstated. The narrative context reflects as much in the structure of Genesis (not to mention the rest of the Bible).…
The structure of Genesis narrative allows for a “google earth” view of the landscape of the history of redemption interrupted by a 'zoom in' feature to record particular events in…
The liturgical context for Psalm 95 involved the observances prescribed for public worship in the life of the people of God. An order of service would be presided over by…
The tone of emergency and necessary apostolic intervention carries all the way through the letter to the Galatians. Paul has dedicated particular personal attention to the church in in this…
Genesis chap 11 recalls specific events instrumental in establishing the individual identity and geographic dispersion of the clans, languages, lands, and nations of Gen 10. This record is foreshadowed in…
Two passages exemplify how foundational Genesis 10 is for the worldview of all the Biblical authors and all well informed Christians (Acts 17:26, and Ephesians 3:14-15). Immediately after documenting the…
Psalm 94 is the second in a set of 8 songs that magnify and proclaim the universal lordship of Yahwey. His majesty is set forth in these songs of exaltation…
Having detailed the distinct differences between the works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit, Paul proceeds to offer real time scenarios in the typical church context where…
The legacy of Adam is revisited in many ways in the account of Noah. As Noah's final days are documented in Genesis 9, the similarities are only magnified. This reality…