Today's message joins several others we have on record lately which demonstrate the signal implications of Genesis events in the arc of redemptive history. From the vantage point of later…
Taken together, Ps 99 and Ps 100 round out themes of Yahweh worship complimenting each other to display a full range of expression worthy of the King of Kings. Ps…
In verses 10-12 Peter shapes the perspective of his readers reminding them of their privileged place in covenant history. Post-incarnation Christians are the heirs of revelation that is the envy…
This brief incident in Abram's life proves extremely significant to the revelation of the Messiah to come. Without the benefit of further scripture, this central figure of redemption's history would…
Genesis 14 is the first record of war in scripture properly speaking. As such, this conflict is strikingly similar to many aspects of modern warfare with one exception. The victor…
Psalm 99 magnifies the preeminent attribute of God as the song proclaims the holiness of Yahweh. This is the 7th of 8 'Yahweh is King' songs in this section of…
Peter opens his letter to the elect exiles dispersed and fledgling in their new born faith by framing the historical era of the early church age in the context of…
Today we conclude our series and study of 'new song' worship through the scriptures. We have referenced this concept of recognizing with proportional and appropriate praise, each new occasion to…
Psalm 98 instructs the worshipper throughout the ages to “...sing to the Lord a new song, for He has done marvelous things! His right hand and His holy arm have…
Psalm 98 contains 3 sections distinguished by theme and tense. Verses 1-3 mark occasions for praise and references to past tense examples of the marvelous things Yahweh the King has…