Solomon's instructions continue to unfold in the dramatic framework of chapter 7. We've imagined our young man seated for a man-to-man talk across the mahogany desk in his wise father's…
This Psalm's responsive refrain is echoed 26 times. With every verse we are reminded and called to confess:" His (Yahweh's steadfast love endures forever". Perhaps the most obvious message from…
We might consider chapter 7 of Proverbs from the perspective of four scenes in a movie.  The first, I imagine unfolding in a 5th floor study of a man whose…
A useful device in case-law literature is sometimes called “citing the minimal case”. The idea is to demonstrate the application of the law in a situation of minor significance.  By implication…
Psalm 135 publishes a command to worship Yahweh and chronicles occasions for worship from nature, history, and covenant. Echoing themes from Ps 134, Ps 135 opens reprising a call to…
Ps 134 is a fitting conclusion & crescendo to the Songs of Ascent summarizing central themes of this catalogue in the Psalter. In the context of temple worship at the…