To demonstrate the scope of wisdom's potential. "Lady Wisdom" appeals to creation itself as the evident and super-abundant fruit of wisdom applied. Furtherrnore she appeals to her relationship to Yahweh…
Psalm 137 is A song of lament, oath, & oracle. This is a Psalm acknowledging situations where it is excruciating to sing. The psalmist is in exile but his heart…
Paul’s instructions continue according to the purpose statement of 1 Corinthians 7:35 to benefit the church, to promote good order, and to secure undivided devotion to the Lord… Referencing the…
Unless you think femininity is appropriated exclusively to portray seductive temptation in the wisdom literature of Proverbs… Remember chapter 1:20-33 has introduced us to a different woman entirely and here…
Solomon's instructions continue to unfold in the dramatic framework of chapter 7. We've imagined our young man seated for a man-to-man talk across the mahogany desk in his wise father's…
This Psalm's responsive refrain is echoed 26 times. With every verse we are reminded and called to confess:" His (Yahweh's steadfast love endures forever". Perhaps the most obvious message from…
The vision for Gospel Reconstruction in Corinth continues with blueprints equipping the church for the Christian life in greater society. We understand from Paul's teaching that Christ bas come to…
We might consider chapter 7 of Proverbs from the perspective of four scenes in a movie. The first, I imagine unfolding in a 5th floor study of a man whose…
A useful device in case-law literature is sometimes called “citing the minimal case”. The idea is to demonstrate the application of the law in a situation of minor significance. By implication…
Psalm 135 publishes a command to worship Yahweh and chronicles occasions for worship from nature, history, and covenant. Echoing themes from Ps 134, Ps 135 opens reprising a call to…