Praiseworthy Casebook – Psalm 65
January 8, 2017

Praiseworthy Casebook – Psalm 65

Passage: Psalm 65
Service Type:

A casebook contains a collection of records illustrating specific instances used for reference and instruction normally in fields of study such as medicine or law. In this sense Psalm 65 serves as something of a casebook for worship. Verse one is a proclamation that praise and fulfilled vows are due to Elohim in Zion. Verses 2-13 are a documentation reinforcing or justifying this statement. A casebook of praiseworthy acts of the Lord could be infinite in content, however for the purposes of this song, David selects particular displays of the glory of God from major categories of divine intervention including examples of redemption and creation. These two aspects of the work of God correspond to categories of revelation, namely special and general. God has made Himself known in the scriptures and through the universe of His creation. The Psalmist poetically calls our attention to the majesty of God evident in His manifold exploits. Psalm 65 reminds the believer of the extent of praise inspiring realities that surround us and transform us.

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