February 20, 2022

PLANS OF GOD vs. MAN – Genesis 31:17-35

Passage: Genesis 31:17-35

As events of Jacob's departure from Paddan-Aram unto Canaan unfold, sinful and flawed patterns of behavior continue to mark the journey. Clearly Jacob's spiritual maturity is still a work in progress, while the actions of his wife and father in law remain quite reprehensible. Once again the only noble hero in our story is Yahweh, the unchanging Lord of the covenant – the long suffering One True God of Abraham, Isaac, and increasingly Jacob in spite of his faults. The power and plans of God shine brightly in our text today against the shady background of human sin and weakness. In addition to Yahweh, Jacob, Rachel, and Laban, the false gods of Laban's household appear as a character in this account as well. The contrast between the “teraphim” (household gods) & “Elohim” (the True sovereign of creation and salvation) is incredibly profound. In this sequence of events, the glory of God is magnified and sinful idolatry is condemned in spite of the mixed motives of Jacob's dysfunctional family. This concept of stories within a greater story is a pattern in all of history. It will play out in the life of Joseph, the deliverance of Moses, at the cross of Calvary, and even in our day. An encouraging lesson from candid moments in the troubled lives of Old Covenant figures is proclaimed to us from this chapter in Jacob's life... Despite the intentions of man in all his fallen perversion, God works all things together for the good of His elect and for the amplification of His glory. In spite of unrepentant sinners and 'work-in-progress' believers...His purposes are established, and His plans are fulfilled...

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