June 23, 2019

Pillars of the Earth – Genesis 8:20-9:7

Passage: Genesis 8:20-9:7
Service Type:

Today's message expands on concepts introduced last week. We noted that a silver lining of judgement is the beauty of God's law shinning forth as the veil of obfuscating sin is forcibly removed from culture. In the great flood, the world has been stripped down to its constituent elements by the judgements of God serving to illustrate the irreducible complexity of the created order. This order encompasses the human experience, the natural realm, and just society in a post-fall world. Consequently the repopulation of the world does not commence with multicultural pluralism, wherein different nations proceed under different gods, ethical theories, world-views, and philosophies... no, there remains one God and one unified extended family under Him led by the Lord's servant divinely appointed for the calling: Noah, whose very first act in this new world is a public worship ceremony wherein he acknowledges the grace of God and His governance over the entire world. Noah has just witnessed a trans-national act of judgement by the mighty hand of the creator of the world... surely the last thing on his mind is a vision to go forth and pioneer a neutral society where the sacred and secular coexist indifferent to each other under the standard of a humanistic ideal.

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