August 1, 2021


Passage: II Peter 1:1-15

The circumstances of Peter's ministry now provide him opportunity to leave his flock with words to remember in his absence. Following the example of Jesus, who commissioned him and all the church to go and make disciples in Matthew 28, Peter gives his hearers marching orders which likewise will provide direction to the church after he has died. The death of the apostles might have been the end of the Christian church if God had not ordained Spirit fueled means of survival in the post-apostolic era. This book and the rest of the New Testament is that means coupled with the indwelling Spirit that would fortify the church of Jesus Christ to stand and expand for as many generations as He would tarry. (3:1) Peter indicates that this is the second such letter he has written to encourage the church along these lines. If Peter is referencing his letter we have recently studied (I Peter), than his audience is the churches of Asia Minor. However, it may well be that Peter wrote more frequently to various churches. At this time he is likely writing from prison, toward the end of his life and ministry. The apostle makes good use of the few days and months and the network of missionaries who carry his letters. By these means, Peter documents the solid bedrock of the faith and its applications which wold prove sufficient to preserve and equip the church for thousands of years. Today, let us lean closer with rapt attention to hear the last words of our forerunner in the faith. Given his calling to interpret and apply the Gospel and our situation surrounded by challenges to our faith, a sober church should treasure every word...

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